Video Gallery


The Story

I am Amer Batal, the principal of Batal Real Estate. In this video you’ll get to know a little bit about me and my journey into real estate syndication.


The Beginning

In this video, I describe the first investment that I made and how that propelled me into the world of real estate syndication.



In this video, I discuss my beginnings as an entrepreneur and the principals and core values I picked up as a business owner that have shaped how I operate as a real estate syndicator.


Starting Over

Before I become a successful real estate investor, I hit rock bottom as a business owner. That forced my to pivot into new business ventures and ultimately opened the door for me to invest in real estate.



No investment from a risk tolerance standpoint is 100%. However, I have developed a process of due diligence and analysis that mitigates risk to my investors. So much so that I am involved in every deal I syndicate.


It’s Personal

BRE is Amer Batal. It is my take and philosophy on real estate. In this video you’ll learn more about my personal involvement in every aspect of the real estate syndication process at BRE.


The Future

In this video, I detail what drives me, where BRE is currently at, and where it’s headed.



Here’s a deep dive into the investment criteria at BRE and what it takes to qualify as a deal I stand behind to present to investors.


The Beginning

It started when I was young without even knowing it. My love for real estate was born in Syria where as a young by I observed my father, an engineer, deploy his excess savings into real estate. Fast forward years later, and BRE is born.