Terms of Use

Before you start using our services, please take a few minutes to read and understand the following terms of use:

  1. Acceptance of Terms: By using our services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these terms of use. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please do not use our services.

  2. Investment Risks: Real estate investments involve risks, including the risk of loss of your investment. You acknowledge that you have read and understood the risks associated with investing in real estate and agree to assume full responsibility for any investment decisions you make.

  3. No Investment Advice: Batal Real Estate Syndicate does not provide investment advice or recommendations. All information provided on our website or through our services is for educational and informational purposes only. You should consult with a financial advisor or other professional before making any investment decisions.

  4. No Guarantee of Returns: Batal Real Estate Syndicate makes no guarantees or warranties regarding investment returns or performance. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

  5. Accredited Investors: Our services are only available to accredited investors who meet certain financial and other requirements. By using our services, you represent and warrant that you are an accredited investor.

  6. Confidentiality: By using our services, you agree to keep all information related to our investments and operations confidential. You may not disclose any information to third parties without our prior written consent.

  7. No Solicitation: Batal Real Estate Syndicate does not solicit or offer securities or investment opportunities to the general public. Our services are only available to accredited investors who have been invited to participate in our investment offerings.

  8. Intellectual Property: All content and materials on our website and provided through our services, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, images, and software, are the property of Batal Real Estate Syndicate and are protected by intellectual property laws. You may not use or reproduce any of our content or materials without our prior written consent.

  9. Limitation of Liability: Batal Real Estate Syndicate shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with your use of our services.

  10. Governing Law: These terms of use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction where Batal Real Estate Syndicate is headquartered.

  11. Changes to Terms: Batal Real Estate Syndicate reserves the right to change or modify these terms of use at any time without prior notice. Your continued use of our services after any such changes indicates your acceptance of the new terms.

Thank you for choosing Batal Real Estate Syndicate. We look forward to working with you!